Tuesday, October 7, 2008

à compter de midi ici, on dit bonsoir. From noon here, it is good evening

Dernière journée à Yaoundé, les valises sont prêtes. Mauvaise nouvelle, il ne reste plus de couchettes libres dans le train. on doit voyager toute la nuit en première classe. Bonne nouvelle par contre, demain on ne fera pas le reste du voyage en autobus comme prévu, on aura un chauffeur qui viendra nous chercher en SUV pour le reste du voyage vers le Nord. C est un très bon compromis parce qu on m a dit que l autobus était quelque chose avec les valises sur le toit.

Hier le voyage à l immigration a été une autre expérience. nous devons avoir un permis de résidence pour voyager dans le pays. Il y avait beaucoup de personnes qui attendaient mais nous on a passé tout de suite......c est un peu beaucoup gênant de passer devant tout le monde....

Je vous reviens avec des nouvelles de ma nouvelle vie dans le Nord.

Last day in Yaoundé, suitcases are packed. We just got bad news, no sleeper cabins (free translation from my good friend here Elizabeth from England). She says they do not have those in her country, it is too small. We will be travelling all night by train in First class. Good news though. Tomorrow instead of travelling by bus like we were supposed to, we will have a private chauffeur in a SUV for the rest of the trip. It is a very good compromise because I was told that the bus was something else with the luggages on top.

Yesterday our trip to immigration was an experience. We need a residence permit to travel in the country. There was a big line up but we went through right away....it is a bit intimidating to go before everyone else......

To be continued with news of my new life up North.......I shall certainly have more pictures Rick because I will have more free time. Right now, I am in training.....


Anonymous said...

So, a new experience begins. As you already mentioned, the North will be more of a cultural difference than life around the capital.
This is where, I believe, things get interesting. You'll see things you've never seen before. Sights, smells and sounds that will arouse your curiosity. Try to take in as much as you can so that you could related them to us in your messages.
Enjoy it all.


Anonymous said...

Content de voir que tu es arrive mom....Envoie nous des photos je taime!!! Oli & Sophie

Anonymous said...

Dit nous c'est commment la bas... Si tu as commencer a travailler ou bien tu ne fais que voyager??? As tu des amis....Donne moi des nouvelles.. Oli

Anonymous said...

Bonjour Lucie - you probably have left the capital and arrived at your destination in the north. I hope it was a good trip. Do you start work immediately or do you have some time to acclimatise yourself?

In some ways I suppose the bus trip might have been an experience in itself, traveling as the locals do. It would be a scene out of the movies with all the suitcases on top and the people (and animals) inside.

We are off to Florida for a few days on Friday but look forward to seeing some pictures when we return.

Keep well.

Anonymous said...

I see that the time stamp on my message is not Eastern Daylight time in Canada - is it the timezone or Cameroon? I wrote this message on Wednesday Oct 8th at 9:24, not 2:24 AM


Anonymous said...

Hi Lucie,

I am so proud of you. I love you and hope you enjoy this experience. Don't work too hard. Take care of yourself and I can't wait to see you again.
