Tuesday, October 14, 2008


J’apprends à vivre à un autre rythme. Lundi matin (le 13), on doit venir me chercher pour m’amener dans mon village. Il y a également l’arrivée du sous-préfet la même journée. Cérémonie oblige! On repousse mon arrivée à l’après-midi. La cérémonie dure plus longtemps que prévu, alors on viendra me chercher tôt mardi matin vers 8h30. Il est maintenant passé 11 heures et peut-être viendra-t-on me chercher avant-midi….
I am learning to live at another rythm. Monday morning (the 13th), I am supposed to be picked up by the mayor’s chauffeur to move to my village. There is at the same time the arrival of the “sous-préfet”. They have a ceremony for his arrival. So, they ask me to wait until the afternoon. But the ceremony takes longer than what they had planned, they will come and pick me up for sure around 8:30 Tuesday morning. It is now passed 11 and maybe somebody will pick me up before noon...We never know.


gianni said...

We can see that you're very excited to move into your new place...your home away from home.
We are all anticipating your move and are eager to hear about your new place and see some pictures.


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Lucie - I heard the same story about the pace of life recently from Elysia's boyfriend who went to work in Paraguay. It seems that only in North America do we drive ourselves so hard. I trust that the chauffeur finally came...?

How is your collegue that came down with "le palu"? - what an incredible story of generosity on the part of the villagers; we certainly can learn some lessons from these people as well...

Best wishes,
Rick and Helen