Friday, October 24, 2008


Lors de ma marche matinale pour aller au travail, je suis arrêtée par un groupe d’étudiants du lycée. Ils me demandent quand j’irai visiter le lycée parce qu’ils ont, selon eux, beaucoup de problèmes à m’adresser!?!
Ensuite, je suis arrêtée par le conseil des parents de l’école maternelle (j’exagère : seulement l’exécutif, ils sont 3). Ils me demandent de les aider à trouver une solution parce qu’ils n’ont plus d’enseignante à l’école maternelle et que c’est difficile pour eux d’en embaucher une autre. Je leur mentionne que je ferai le message au maire.
À la Commune, je suis entrain d’analyser le budget lorsque le chef des finances vient me voir. Il voudrait que je lui donne des leçons d’Excel. Il a un ordinateur dans son bureau mais ne connaît pas le logiciel. Il fait tout manuellement.
Walking on the way to work, I am stopped by a group of high school students. They want to know when i will go and visit their high school because they have lots of problems to discuss with me!?!
A little further, i am stopped by the Board of Directors of the Kindergarten School (ok, i am exaggerating! Not the whole Board, only the executive members (they are 3)). They would like me to help them find a solution to the fact that they do not have a teacher anymore and it is difficult for them as parents, to hire another one. I said that i will mention it to the mayor when i see him.
At the Commune, I am analyzing the budget when the Finance guy comes and see me. He would like me to teach him Excel. He has a computer in his office but does not know the software. He does all the accounting manually.

1 comment:

gianni said...

I think that word has gotten around that there is a smart woman from Canada that has all the answers.
Even before your work has started, you are already being helpful to those around you. I think they already appreciate having you there.
