Friday, October 31, 2008


En revenant du travail hier, j’ai piqué à travers les champs. Une dame et son mari étaient entrain de faire la cueillette des arachides. Elle veut absolument m’offrir un plant d’arachides. Je le prends et lui demande combien je lui dois. Elle est très insultée de cela et me dit que c’est un cadeau. Je prends donc le plant (des arachides fraîches, c’est très bon) et lui demande si je peux prendre une photo avec elle. Elle accepte à condition que … lui donne 100 francs pour la photo!
When i came back from work yesterday, i decided to take a shortcut through the fields. A woman and her husband were harvesting their peanuts. She insists to offer me a plan of peanuts. I take them and ask them how much she wants for it. She is insulted and tell me that it is a gift. I accept it (fresh peanuts taste really good) and asks her if i can have a picture with her. She accepts under the condition that.....I give her 100 XFA for the picture!


gianni said...

it's great that you are coming across people from all walks of life...I don't think you come across many farmers (let alone female peanut farmers) when traveling around the world


Unknown said...

Hola Lucia

Si supiera la señora de los cacahuetes que la estamos viendo desde varios lugares del mundo ... No se lo podría creer!!!
A mi me ha encantado verla contigo.
Un saludo
María José

Anonymous said...

You are really starting to get involved and be appreciated after the early difficulty getting started. What is the weather like there? - I presume much warmer than Canada at this time of year.
